Gregory Gordon, M.D.
After completing his orthopaedic residency and fellowship in San Antonio, Dr. Gordon began practice in the San Antonio area, where he has been practicing since 2007. Dr. Gordon serves as Director of San Antonio's Rodeo Medical Committee, where he provides medical care to athletes on and off the arena, is owner of Premier Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Health located in Leon Springs and is one of the founding members on the Board of Surgeons at Legent Orthopaedic & Spine Hospital Group.
He grew up in southeast Texas and is happy to call San Antonio "home" where he has established himself as one of the city's top surgeons and currently resides. Dr. Gordon is a proud father, an active philanthropist serving in many community efforts to help those in need, a lover of all things "burnt orange" and an avid traveler.
Premier Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Health opened in May 2018. Our goal is to provide our patients with the most current orthopaedic care: both surgical and non-surgical. We hope to give orthopaedic care a more personalized feeling by using the available medical techniques assimilated with our patients' individual needs. In treating problems of the musculoskeletal system, an accurate diagnosis is essential. Following that, an individualized treatment plan can be created. Orthopaedics is a complex specialty of medicine dealing with bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles. Orthopaedic issues- whether an injury or chronic condition- will affect people of all ages and lifestyles. Our priority is to create a plan that allows our patients to return to the quality of life they desire.

Do you ever get the feeling that you're worn out?
The stresses of day-to-day life affect every part of our body. Even the most normal of activities can cause our joints to begin wearing out.
When this happens, the result is pain, swelling, stiffness and lack of motion.
Before discussing surgery, multiple options are available to treat these symptoms. Once these options no longer provide relief, we can provide you with the very best in surgical solutions.
A total joint replacement (arthroplasty) removes worn-out cartilage and replaces this with a combination of metal and plastic. This "new joint" relieves pain and restores stability and function, allowing you to continue living a vibrant life doing the activities you love.
Learn more at orthoinfo.aaos.org.
Contact us at office@posshcare.com or (210) 390-0008 for more information.

Premier Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Health
As our name implies, we are more than just surgery and medicine.
We are interested in your health. Musculoskeletal health is often overlooked until the lack of it forces acceptance. From diet to exercise, rest to work, everyday choices can have lasting impacts on your health. Physical, emotional, social, mental and spiritual well-being are essential to the game of life. Our goal is your complete health, your life and maintaining its high quality. Many sports injuries can be treated non-operatively with therapy, bracing, and activity modification. Sometimes the best answer to a problem is surgery, and yes, we do that.
Health maintenance is always the answer. Schedule a time to talk to our physician about your “Sports Health”. No matter your age or your game, the right lifestyle choices will put the ball in your hands and help to keep you off the sidelines.
Learn more at orthoinfo.aaos.org.
Contact us at office@posshcare.com or (210) 390-0008 for more information.

The musculo-skeletal system is a complex organ that is constantly changing.
Many people think that bones are simply a framework for the rest of our body. This organ system not only provides support and protection... but is a dynamic system that helps to maintain essential minerals and compounds necessary for life.
Whether chronic deterioration or acute injury, changes in the musculo-skeletal system can be life-altering or life-threatening. Exercise, supplements, medications, and other therapies can help you keep your bones as strong as possible. Together with your primary care physician, our goal is to help avoid injury and maintain your best quality of life.
Learn more at orthoinfo.aaos.org.
Contact us at office@posshcare.com or (210) 390-0008 for more information.

Dr. Gordon is a Team Physician with the Justin Boots Sports Medicine Team and is a Director on the Medical Committee at the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo. It is not surprising that an injury sustained on the back of a bronco or from the business end of a bull’s horn can be very complex and can require the cooperation of several medical specialties.
Treating any professional athlete requires not only an understanding of the medical issue but how that issue plays into the fact that the sport is also the occupation. Dr. Gordon treats rodeo athletes from across the country throughout the year. He has been a presenter at Care of the Rodeo Athlete, a multidisciplinary conference held annually during the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas.
Having grown up around horses and rodeo, Dr. Gordon would see the Justin Boots Sports Medicine team at work and imagined being a part of that group. Volunteering in this capacity is the fulfillment of a dream that began many years ago.
Contact us at office@posshcare.com or (210) 390-0008 for more information.